18. März 2014

Blau & Schwarz

copyright N&T Kuschnereit
Dog World interviewte einige weltweit hochgeschätzte Rassespezialisten
zum Stand der Rasse.
Unter anderem auch zu ihren persönlichen Einschätzungen,
 bezüglich der Standardqualität der unterschiedlichen Farbschläge.
Einige Zitate zur Farbe "Blau bzw Schwarz"

Mrs Molly McConkey, Barmoll Kennels/UK

"Quality can be found in all Whippet colours.

....while the blacks and blues have made a great comeback."

Mrs Molly Head, Demerlay Kennels/UK

"While colour may make for a difference in type, I think quality is to be found right across the colour range."

Mrs Patsy Gilmour, Courthill Kennels/UK

"The colours that are making strides are the blacks and blues."

Mrs Joanna Russell, Martinsell Kennels/UK

"The great change is that blacks and blues can now hold their own. That certainly did not apply 50 years ago."

Quelle: DOG World, October 4th, 2013 - 49